Become a Better Cleaner with These 5 Amazing Essential Oils

Become a Better Cleaner with These 5 Amazing Essential Oils

A sink on a countertop with a diffuser, soap, and a glass box 

For centuries, humans have used essential oils for several purposes. They extracted and diluted the oil from plants and flowers and placed it in small tincture bottles. The tradition of using essential oils to make life easier and calmer continues today. Read on to learn how you can use essential oils in your own home.


How to Use Essential Oils


Essential oils are a safe and effective way to clean—with added benefits of aromatherapy. You can use essential oils to add fragrance to perfumes and cosmetic products, add flavor to food, and enhance household cleaning. Today, we’ll explore lemon essential oil, tea tree oil, peppermint essential oil, lavender essential oil, and eucalyptus essential oil—all of which are especially powerful when it comes to cleaning.


Are Essential Oils Safe?


Many people feel more comfortable using essential oils for cleaning instead of store-bought chemical products because essential oils are natural and come directly from plants. Plus, essential oils carry a better scent than chemical cleaners, which can sometimes cause headaches or may even be harmful to inhale in enclosed rooms.


Essential oils can kill bacteria and dissolve grease, especially oils derived from citrus plants. Certain essential oils are better than others when it comes to household cleaning.


Do Essential Oils Work?


Yes! Essential oils are effective cleaning tools. Read on to learn how you can use these five amazing essential oils to become a better cleaner and live in a house you love to be in.


1. Lemon


Lemon is possibly the most popular essential oil for household cleaning. It's an essential oil powerhouse with an uplifting, joy-inducing scent. Lemon essential oil is antiviral and antibacterial, so it kills any germs it encounters. It works well in all-purpose cleaners for toilets, wood floors, and furniture.


Simply mix the lemon essential oil in a spray bottle with white vinegar, water, and a tiny amount of dish soap and you have an all-purpose spray for counters, sinks, toilets, and much more. 


Need a carpet refresh? Sprinkle a mixture of lemon essential oil and baking soda on stale-smelling carpets and leave it overnight. Vacuum the following morning and enjoy a fresh-smelling carpet.


2. Tea Tree

Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca, has a strong smell and a strong antibacterial effect. Use tea tree oil all over the house for everyday cleaning needs. It kills norovirus and influenza bacteria, which makes it very useful in maintaining a healthy household.


You can also mix tea tree oil with water, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and dish soap to create a daily shower spray. Consider adding some sweet-smelling oils such as lime, lemon, or orange to add an extra scent boost.


You can also make hand sanitizer spray with tea tree oil. Combine tea tree oil with distilled water, sea salt, coconut oil, and any other scented oil of your choosing. You can pour the combination into a spray bottle, carry it wherever you go, and use it as hand sanitizer.


3. Peppermint



Peppermint essential oil has a refreshing, cool scent that acts as a natural pest and rodent repellent. It contains antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it’s useful throughout the house. The fragrance of peppermint essential oil can be overpowering for some, but you can give the peppermint a different profile by mixing it with other oils such as vanilla, lemon, or bergamot.


Peppermint essential oil leaves a streak-free shine on windows and mirrors. To make a chemical-free window and mirror cleaner, simply combine peppermint essential oil, distilled water, vodka, and white vinegar in a spray bottle.


4. Lavender



Lavender essential oil has a reputation for offering a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep, which makes it useful in aromatherapy. People often add lavender to bubble baths, lotions, and soaps to help with relaxation and preparation for bedtime. However, lavender can also be used for household cleaning, specifically for laundry.


Lavender essential oil is ideal for linen spray. Combine lavender essential oil, distilled water, witch hazel or vodka, and frankincense essential oil to make a fresh linen spray. Spray on pillowcases, curtains, and bedsheets.


You can also create an air freshener with lavender essential oil by adding it to a spray bottle with vodka, distilled water, and chamomile essential oil. Spray it throughout your home to create a calming atmosphere.


5. Eucalyptus


Many products for colds and allergies contain eucalyptus oil. Its powerful antimicrobial properties make it the perfect oil to improve congestion and seasonal allergies. Research shows that eucalyptus oil can also destroy bacteria that cause influenza, staph, pneumonia, and strep.


Deep cleaning with eucalyptus essential oil is a great way to get rid of any musty smells. You can make an easy deep-cleaning toilet scrub with eucalyptus oil, baking soda, liquid dish soap, water, and hydrogen peroxide. Scrub the toilet with this mixture and let it sit for about 20 minutes to get a fresh-smelling toilet bowl.


For an all-purpose disinfectant cleaner, use eucalyptus oil with vodka and water in a spray bottle. You can also add rosemary oil, wild orange oil, or lavender essential oil. You can use this disinfectant cleaner for any household cleaning job.

Find Essential Oils for Cleaning at BluZen

These essential oils are safe and effective cleaners that can transform your environment. Try these multi-purpose essential oils and more at BluZen and your house and your health will thank you!

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