4 Wellness Tips for a Healthy Spring

4 Wellness Tips for a Healthy Spring

Spring cleaning can be the most refreshing yet frustrating work in the new season. Spring wellness entails physically getting rid of clutter that you no longer need, changing your routine, and getting outside.

The best part of spring is finally being able to soak up the sun, but the worst part by far is the spring allergies. The solution is to spring clean your body. Our spring wellness tips will help you prepare for spring wellness, including how to combat those dang seasonal allergies!


4 Tips for Spring Wellness

As the weather warms up, it’s time to embrace the spirit of spring and prioritize your well-being. Spring is the perfect time to refresh your routine and make necessary adjustments for your health. With more opportunities to soak up the sun, there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you prepare for a blooming spring. 

In this article, we’ll share 4 tips encompassing diet checks, exercise routines, getting outside, and spring allergies. Let’s jump into this season feeling our best!


1. Diet Check: What Are You Eating and Drinking?

It’s time to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet if you haven’t already. Spring is an ideal time to eat certain fruits and veggies to fuel your body with what it needs. Enjoying fresh produce at peak seasons provides more nutrients, is more environmentally safe, saves money, and tastes better

Warmer weather produce consists of strawberries, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, pea, and much more. Not only will you get nutritious and cheaper produce by season, but you will also have more energy for the spring festivities. 

It’s crucial to make at least half of your meals filled with fruits and vegetables, while the other half should be whole grains. To incorporate more seasonal produce in your diet, start your day with a smoothie made with fresh berries and spinach, enjoy a salad with mixed greens and sliced radishes for lunch, or roast some asparagus or broccoli for a colorful side dish at dinner.


2. Implement an Exercise Routine: Keep Moving 

After winter hibernation, spring is the best time to get your body moving. Every adult should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week. Luckily, you don’t need to and should not do this all at once. Split up your week by getting 30 minutes of exercise a day, or 50 minutes of exercise 3x a week. It is wise to incorporate strength training, cardio, and flexibility into your weekly exercise routine. This ensures that your routine targets all muscle groups, prevents future injuries that come from time and age, and establishes overall well-being. 

An exercise routine can look like this: 


20 minutes of strength training: squats, lunges, and dumbbell bench press

10 minutes of cardio: jogging a mile


30 minutes of flexibility: yoga/pilates 


20 minutes of strength training: burpees, jumping squats, and ab workouts 

10 minutes of cardio: light jogging 


30 minutes of cardio: hiking trails 


15 minutes of strength training: curls, shoulder presses, pull-ups

15 minutes of cardio: outdoor cycling


3. Get Outside: Natural Vitamin D

Just like our exercise routine, it’s the perfect time to incorporate your fitness routine outside of your home! With warmer weather and more sunlight, it’s that much easier to get your natural vitamin D. In the winter, typically only 10% of your body is exposed to the sun, and nearly 2 hours of sun exposure is needed to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D. 

Time to ditch running inside, and try doing your cardio in the sun! Long walks, bike rides, swimming, and sports are common and easy physical activities to do on a warm summer day. Not only will you get your natural vitamin D supply, but you’ll also feel happier and more energized

Sunlight provides incredible benefits to our bodies and minds. However, it’s important to take precautions to stay safe and comfortable during your workouts. This means wearing sunscreen, limiting sun exposure when the UV index is too high, and staying hydrated. 

Now, let’s not forget to prepare for those seasonal spring allergies.


4. Watch Out for Spring Allergies: Essential Oils

Spending time outdoors is one of the best ways to boost your spring wellness. However, springtime can come with some downfalls—seasonal allergies. Did you know that over 80 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), not including people with minor springtime allergies? 

Now, that’s more than enough to dislike going outside. Going outside can be so frustrating when all you end up doing is sneezing and/or having watery eyes. 

Now, how can you combat these seasonal allergies? 

Taking over-the-counter medications such as nasal sprays or decongestants can help relieve allergy symptoms, though it’s important to consult with a doctor about what medications you can take. You can also try limiting exposure to allergens such as using air conditioning with a HEPA filter and keeping the window closed in your home. Practicing good hygiene to make sure your body is free of pollen on your hair, skin, and clothing after spending time outdoors can help mitigate the symptoms.

BluZen Lavender Essential Oil for Allergies

A unique and natural remedy can also be essential oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated oils that are derived from plants. They are typically extracted through a process of steam distillation or cold pressing and are used for a variety of purposes including aromatherapy, massage, and skincare. 

Some essential oils are commonly used for allergy relief because of certain compounds and ingredients containing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Common essential oils for allergies include lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils.

BluZen Essential Oils for Spring Allergies

essential oils for allergies

Here at BluZen, we are a family-run business that focuses on providing its customers with the means to practice a holistic approach to their health and well-being. Focused on spring wellness, BluZen provides essential oils for allergies to help spring clean your body and feel more comfortable going outside.

We offer nine aromatherapy essential oils that you can diffuse into the air, apply to the skin, or soak into a towel for your face. It’s a natural and calming remedy that’s essential in your spring wellness routine. Ingredients within these essential oils are proven to reduce inflammation associated with allergic reactions and contain antioxidant properties.

Check out our nine allergy essential oils or our most popular lavender essential oil for allergies

Incorporate lavender or eucalyptus essential oils for allergies into your daily routine to enhance your spring wellness and feel energized for some serious spring cleaning!

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